2. Dashboards

2.1. Single Dashboard

To initialize a single dashboard you need create a Dashboard object and pass valid options as shown below:

var dashboard = new Dashboard(options);

Where the options are a json object with the following specifications


name (optional)
The name of widget. (default: undefined )
viewportWidth (optional)
Width of viewport where expected that the dashboard was displayed. (default: $(window).width() )
viewportHeight (optional)
Height of viewport where expected that the dashboard was displayed. (default: $(window).height() )
widgetMargins (optional)
Margin between each widget. (default: [5, 5] )
widgetBaseDimensions (optional)
Default width and height of each widget in the dashboard. (default: [370, 340] )

2.2. Multiple Dashboards

To initialize a multiple dashboards you need create a DashboardSet object and pass valid options as shown below:

var dashboardSet = new DashboardSet();

DashboardSet methods


To add a new Dashboard:

dashboardSet.addDashboard(name, options)

Where name is a string with the name of dashboard and options is a json object with the same format of the options of the Dashboard object.


To get a Dashboard from the DashboardSet object:


Swap between dashboards

To swap between dashboards need to press the ctrl key to display the menu.