2. Dashboards

2.1. Single Dashboard

To initialize a single dashboard you need create a Dashboard object and pass valid options as shown below:

var dashboard = new Dashboard(options);

Where the options are a json object with the following specifications


name (optional)
The name of widget. (default: undefined )
viewportWidth (optional)
Width of viewport where expected that the dashboard was displayed. (default: $(window).width() )
viewportHeight (optional)
Height of viewport where expected that the dashboard was displayed. (default: $(window).height() )
widgetMargins (optional)
Margin between each widget. (default: [5, 5] )
widgetBaseDimensions (optional)
Default width and height of each widget in the dashboard. (default: [370, 340] )

Dashboard methods

Return the name of the dashboard or ‘unnamed’.
Show the dashboard (if it’s hidden) and publish the event shown for this dashboard.
Show the dashboard (if it’s showing) and publish the event hidden for this dashboard.
Return the gridster element for this dashboard.
Return the loaded widgets for this dashboard.

To add a new Widget, for example:

myDashboard.addWidget('myWheaterWidget', 'Weather', {
    WOEID: 395269

For details you can check the widgets topic

Returns the list of widgets created on this dashboard

To subscribe an event in this dashboard you can doing as follow:

myDashboard.subscribe('myEvent', function() {
    console.log('event fired!');

To publish an event in this dashboard you can doing as follow:


2.2. Multiple Dashboards

To initialize a multiple dashboards you need create a DashboardSet object and pass valid options as shown below:

var myDashboardSet = new DashboardSet();

DashboardSet methods


To add a new Dashboard:

myDashboardSet.addDashboard(name, options)

Where name is a string with the name of dashboard and options is a json object with the same format of the options of the Dashboard object.


To get a Dashboard from the DashboardSet object:


To add a button on the overlay menu that running arbitrary javascript code, for example:

myDashboardSet.addAction('Go to Google', function() {
    window.location.href = 'https://google.com/';

Swap between dashboards


To swap between dashboards need to press the ctrl key to display the menu.


To swap the dashboards automatically you can set the option rollingChoices as true when the dashboardSet is created as follows:

myDashboardSet = new DashboardSet({
    rollingChoices: true

Then you can select the rolling time in the ctrl menu. Or you can add the parameter roll=<value> to the URL, where the value has to be specified in microseconds, for example:

Dashboard Events

Each single dashboard publish a shown or hidden event when the dashboard are loaded or unloaded, you can use it as follows:

myDashboard = myDashboardSet.addDashboard('New Dashboard');
myDashboard.subscribe('shown', function() {alert('new dashboard shown')});
myDashboard.subscribe('hidden', function() {alert('new dashboard hidden')});